Karma Chameleon


The idea of reincarnation is very attractive. I read that the Brilliant Ancient Greeks who gave us the hypotenuse ( and 98% of my Eastern Mediterranean genes)agreed with Eastern religions about the transmigration of souls.

I also don’t know if the old souls detail  that I learned from an online search recently and is a very Eastern idea tallies with Hippocrates but I am a good candidate for this. Old souls are born that way and do nothing much but potter about in the garden, world weary and tired from birth. My star sign Pisces are such souls. It explains our lack of energy as well!

Do I believe in Lord Buddha and reincarnation? After my 15th temple on my recent Sri Lankan hols I decided that I much prefer Greek Churches and their religious icons to the huge statues of the Indian philosopher!

Let me rephrase that! Do I believe that if I do lowly things I will come back as a cockroach? Instead of an answer I will just repeat what I once read in a book titled: ‘Are we alone?” WITH THE QUESTION MARK IN bold!

Everything in nature dies” And stays dead. Amen!





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  1. Pingback: we only have one life to live | eastelmhurst.a.go.go

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