My Thank You Note to President Trump

Interrupting the Silence

Mr. President, I did not vote for you and I never thought I would be saying this but I owe you a debt of gratitude. Less than a week into your presidency you have already done for me something I do not think Mrs. Clinton could have or would have done had she been elected president.

Your words and actions have inspired me. They have struck a chord deep within me. You have challenged me to be and do better. The violence in your words and actions have been a mirror before me. I do not like what I see. I do not want to be what I see. I may not have said or done many of the things you have; that, however, is not an excuse or justification for the violence that does inhabit some of my thoughts, words, and actions. In that regard, maybe we are not…

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  1. His world view is shaped from his fear. I reject his outlook. Spreading fear is easy. Spreading love and hope is harder because you have to trust. You have to have hope. You have to give up your prejudices and open your intellect. Yes, there are bad people in the world, but we don’t have to promote them. There are more good people in the world.

    Keep up the Rebellion.

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